Crimson's Carnage Spear

Epic Lv. 2 Spear
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Damage 74 ~ 192
Attack Speed 0.675s Range 4m
Crimson's Lantern Damage dealt by Vicious Fury, Brutal Fury, and Explosive Fury increases by 8%. On Critical Hit, cooldown of Cyclonic Fury and Phoenix Barrage decrease by 5% proportional to time remaining.
Dexterity: 5 Wisdom: 3 Added Attack Speed: 4% Possible Traits [Max 3] Hit Chance: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 Critical Hit Chance: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 Heavy Attack Chance: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 Collision Chance: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 Max Health: 150 / 300 / 450 / 600 Added Attack Speed: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8%
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