| Cursed Immortal: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Cursed Immortal: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Cursed Immortal: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Cursed Immortal: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Hateful Demonic Beast: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Hateful Demonic Beast: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Hateful Demonic Beast: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Hateful Demonic Beast: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Guardian of the Wilds: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Guardian of the Wilds: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Guardian of the Wilds: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Guardian of the Wilds: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Greedy Mind's Eye: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Greedy Mind's Eye: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Greedy Mind's Eye: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Greedy Mind's Eye: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Ancient King's Armor: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Ancient King's Armor: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Ancient King's Armor: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Ancient King's Armor: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| God Forsaken Priest: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| God Forsaken Priest: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| God Forsaken Priest: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| God Forsaken Priest: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Ruling Demon: 1 | Rare | Talistone 1 |
| Ruling Demon: 2 | Rare | Talistone 2 |
| Ruling Demon: 3 | Rare | Talistone 3 |
| Ruling Demon: 4 | Rare | Talistone 4 |
| Monster Bird of the Plains: 1 | Uncommon | Talistone 1 |
| Monster Bird of the Plains: 2 | Uncommon | Talistone 2 |
| Monster Bird of the Plains: 3 | Uncommon | Talistone 3 |
| Monster Bird of the Plains: 4 | Uncommon | Talistone 4 |
| Enchanting Pyromancer: 1 | Uncommon | Talistone 1 |
| Enchanting Pyromancer: 2 | Uncommon | Talistone 2 |
| Enchanting Pyromancer: 3 | Uncommon | Talistone 3 |
| Enchanting Pyromancer: 4 | Uncommon | Talistone 4 |
| Manawaste Watcher: 1 | Uncommon | Talistone 1 |
| Manawaste Watcher: 2 | Uncommon | Talistone 2 |
| Manawaste Watcher: 3 | Uncommon | Talistone 3 |
| Manawaste Watcher: 4 | Uncommon | Talistone 4 |
| Enraged Forest Keeper: 1 | Uncommon | Talistone 1 |
| Enraged Forest Keeper: 2 | Uncommon | Talistone 2 |
| Enraged Forest Keeper: 3 | Uncommon | Talistone 3 |
| Enraged Forest Keeper: 4 | Uncommon | Talistone 4 |
| Fighter in the Field: 1 | Common | Talistone 1 |
| Fighter in the Field: 2 | Common | Talistone 2 |