| Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade | Epic | Sword |
| Tome of Proximate Remedy | Epic | Wand |
| Lequirus's Coveted Tome | Epic | Wand |
| Shaikal's Mindfire Scepter | Epic | Wand |
| Excavator's Mysterious Scepter | Epic | Wand |
| Sacred Manuscript | Epic | Wand |
| Heroic Scepter of the Resistance | Epic | Wand |
| Tevent's Grasp of Withering | Epic | Wand |
| Heroic Tactical Spear of the Resistance | Epic | Spear |
| Deadman's Beheading Spear | Epic | Spear |
| Junobote's Lava Spear | Epic | Spear |
| Shaikal's Tentacle Spear | Epic | Spear |
| Queen Bellandir's Starving Spear | Epic | Spear |
| Golem Impaler Longbow | Rare | Longbow |
| Longbow of Undead Skewering | Rare | Longbow |
| Longbow of the Resistance | Rare | Longbow |
| Farshot Longbow | Rare | Longbow |
| First Blood Longbow | Rare | Longbow |
| Golem Grinding Greatsword | Rare | Greatsword |
| Warblade of Undead Slaying | Rare | Greatsword |
| Broadsword of the Resistance | Rare | Greatsword |
| Dead Reckoning Greatsword | Rare | Greatsword |
| Relentless Cleaver | Rare | Greatsword |
| Golem Dismantler Crossbows | Rare | Crossbow |
| Crossbows of Undead Piercing | Rare | Crossbow |
| Crossbows of the Resistance | Rare | Crossbow |
| Steel Flurry Crossbows | Rare | Crossbow |
| Viperstrike Arbalests | Rare | Crossbow |
| Golem Destruction Staff | Rare | Staff |
| Staff of Undead Banishment | Rare | Staff |
| Staff of the Resistance | Rare | Staff |
| Malevolent Staff | Rare | Staff |
| Dark Ritualist Staff | Rare | Staff |
| Golem Chiseling Daggers | Rare | Dagger |
| Daggers of Undead Severing | Rare | Dagger |
| Daggers of the Resistance | Rare | Dagger |
| Daggers of Slaughtering | Rare | Dagger |
| Shadewalker Daggers | Rare | Dagger |
| Golem Shattering Sword | Rare | Sword |
| Sword of Undead Vanquishing | Rare | Sword |
| Blade of the Resistance | Rare | Sword |
| Sword of Striking | Rare | Sword |
| Resonance Blade | Rare | Sword |
| Golem Sundering Wand | Rare | Wand |
| Rod of Undead Dismissal | Rare | Wand |
| Scepter of the Resistance | Rare | Wand |
| Wand of Skyward Blessing | Rare | Wand |
| Treant Twig | Rare | Wand |
| Halberd of the Resistance | Rare | Spear |
| Skilled Veteran's Bladed Spear | Rare | Spear |