Name Title Level
Skeleton Archer Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Archer Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Lancer Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Lancer Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Knight Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Knight Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Soldier Sylavean Order 50
Skeleton Soldier Sylavean Order 50
Blood Spectral Wizard Ahzreil's Minion 50
Spectral Wizard Ahzreil's Minion 50
Feathered Terror Bird 50
Headcrusher Terror Bird 50
Ashen Chief Terror Bird 50
Thick-Billed Terror Bird 50
Fierce Wolf 50
Brutal Wolf 50
Brutal Wolf 50
Blackhowl Wolf 50
Shrewd Wolf 50
Shrewd Wolf 50
Zombie Mutt Sylavean Order 50
Desperate Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Desperate Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Plague Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Sluggish Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Sluggish Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Ashen Ravenous Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Ravenous Zombie Sylavean Order 50
Tevent Courte's Wraith 50
Tevent Courte's Wraith 50
#테벤트 Courte's Wraith 50
Baize Endless Collectors Association 50
Robert 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Incantation Researcher 50
Ainar Observation Post Captain 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Guard Stonegard Resistance 50
Junobote Doom Seeker 50
Lycan Kowazan The Full Moon Tyrant 50
Kowazan The Full Moon Tyrant 50
Reptilian Butcher Saurodoma Clan 50